Gender: | man |
Looking for: | dating a woman or a couple (2 women) |
Country: | 🇺🇸 United States |
City: | Lancaster |
Distance: | 155 km |
about EasternFlt79:
I am a SwM, extruded in September, 1972. / 5’9″ / 250lbs. / Shaved bald / Big brn. eyes / I have lightly tanned skin / I wear glasses with black frames / Dress casually.
*I live alone, and I rent a clean and roomy efficiency within my city of Lancaster, PA, USA, 17602.
*I've no pets, kids
*I've no tatts, or body piercings
*I'm both drug and disease-free
*Non-smoker/non drinker
My apt. is very well kept, (most of the time) and I'm both clean, and very well organized, as well as very easy to get along with. I've been told by several of my old friends that I'm very easy to talk to. In fact, I offer a very smooth transition between serious conversation(s), a sharp sense of humor, emotional stability, an astute personality, as well as having a keen attention to detail.
As far as my living situation is concerned, I have no curfews to abide by, and are quite independent.
My Skills And Abilities
> My cooking skills are intermediate grade, which enables me to make a wide variety of homemade courses, from scratch. Case in point:
My homemade soups and sandwiches, are literally to die for(!)
> I am self-taught in the specialized area of Commercial Aircraft Aeronautical Design, and Drafting. The accuracy of my most technical theoretical aircraft designs are accurate to within 1/100th of an inch, and that’s all done free-hand. There aren’t too many people out in the world who are able to match such close tolerances, w/out the aid of an expensive AutoCAD program, or mechanized drafting equipment. I've therefore been blessed with a very unique gift, and I love to share my work with others.
> I’m self-taught in Mountain Bike Repair, & are very proficient in maintain & fixing most bicycles. I'm a long range mountain bike, and I plan upon making some very long trips for the following summer of 2016. I'm currently in the process of determining new routes, as of yet.
I generally traverse N. Queen St., on my tricked-out yellow mntn. bike with my tricked-out yellow bike trailer in tow, from between the town square and Slugger's Pizzeria, between the times of 6:PM & 10:PM, Mon.-Sat., sometimes on Sun. So, if you're a SINGLE woman and you wish to see me, you can take a close look at me during those days and times. I encourage you likewise to step up and introduce yourself to me, in that same capacity. For I am quite approachable, and friendly.
My Best-Suited, and Appropriate Female Match
Please be a SwF (Single white Female), between the ages of 25, and 50., avg.-slightly over-weight is OK, by me.
> Please be personally tidy, (meaning pick up that bar of soap, and rub it onto your body, like a big, mature, and socially-responsible girl!) and please also be polite, as I assure you I am as well.
> Please be both kindhearted, easy to talk to, and affectionate.
> I prefer that you live no further than 100 miles from my zip code, of: 17602 (Lancaster, PA, USA)
On The Issue Of Mutual Affectionate Behavior
I am not compatible, w/an unaffectionate woman. If you are unable/unwilling to stomach handling a man who’s just as affectionate as he is polite, then please go away. For, I am not geared to a so-called: "strictly platonic relationship", nor do I seek merely a strictly "just buddies" arrangement! I already have my buddies--and they are my MALE FRIENDS. I am actively seeking A GIRLFRIEND, meaning a mature woman, with the mindset of one, who's able to stomach handling a real man, who has real feelings! I am NOT interested in women who are so badly emotionally broken, that they are too confused and fickle to know what they want, with regard to a boyfriend! So... You're gonna know what you want, you're gonna have your head screwed on good and tight, and you're gonna be both woman and adult enough, to be a big responsible girl, and HANDLE YOUR MAN. Therefore, understand that in this life, I am a real man w/real feelings, and just as you so desire for your feelings to be equally respected and catered to. Putting it another way:
My feelings are just as meaningful and important to me, as your feelings and desires are, to you. And those feelings will be respected and catered to, or we shall have nothing to to do with one another. Point made, case closed.
Sexually Charged Texts And Live, Phone-based 'Pillow-talk'
I enjoy engaging in highly charged, passionate feelings both through texts, and especially through phone conversations. Although I never automatically engage in sexually-charged texts and phone conversations unless my partner is comfortable with that, I greatly look forward to a mutual exchange of such feelings and emotions with a prospective new partner, and I respectfully ask that you please be open to that type of dialogue, with me. It is within my nature to be very affectionate and passionate on the phone, and I greatly appreciate your understanding my position on that.
Your Personal Living Arrangement/Situation
I greatly respect whatever your personal living situation is! The only major thing which I ask of you, is that you do not allow mammy and daddy/your aid worker (if you have any) to decide your personal decisions for you, concerning your man. (me in this case) Been there, done that, and I am DONE with feeble-minded showboat women who're too weak-minded to handle their own personal business. I therefore ask that you please be woman enough–and adult enough to handle your own relationship. Indeed, there is no need to involve a third party to try to 'convince' me, of your personal wishes. I'm extremely approachable and easy to both reason with, as well as to negotiate with.
I prefer a woman who knows how to cook, or who's at least willing to learn how to. I'm a very good teacher, and have the patience enough to teach you such skills.
I prefer dating a woman who has a good head on her shoulders. What does that mean? It means:
Know something. Meaning... know a skill... a few skills. You must at least be a H.S graduate or have earned a G.E.D., as I have earned mine. I fear dating a woman whom the world shall block out, because she refuses to educate herself, in the ways of the world, and a basic education is extremely important, for a variety of reasons, and I want you to do the right thing, by at least working hard to earn your GED. I earned my GED, and believe me… If I was able to do it, then YOU are able to do it. EARN YOUR DIPLOMA.
My Views On Hyperreligious Women
I completely appreciate and respect your spiritual path, and I clearly do not mind how well-rooted you are on whatever path you’re on. To that end, and where it ties in to a new relationship:
I am not seeking, nor am I interested in a woman who uses her religious beliefs to snub and reject my feelings, as a man. I've both ‘been there’, and I have ‘done that’, and I am done WITH that. For, my feelings are just as meaningful to me, as yours are to you.
Communication Skills
Good communication is key to any successful relationship. That having been said, I am only seeking a woman who understands the wisdom of that whole concept. Treat me the way in which you want me to treat you. Relationships are clearly a 2-way street. Indeed, the world rotates not around neither man, nor woman. It rotates around both. Please understand the wisdom of that.
Transportation Matters
I prefer that you drive. PLEASE DRIVE SOMETHING. Drive… A bike… A motor scooter… A bus… A truck… A plane… A tricycle... A Segway... A Pogo Stick... Just drive something; at least know how to use public transportation. Believe me when I tell you here today, that I am morbidly sick to death of dating transportationally-hobbled women, who are too stunted and foolish to drive. Not good enough! DRIVE.
On The Issue Of Disease
IF… you are bed-ridden and so badly hobbled and broken to where you are living in an inaccessible place where you and I are prohibited from visiting one another, then I am very sorry for your hard luck, and I feel for ya, but please honey… leave me alone. If yer that stricken and hobbled with disease at the outset, then you need to be institutionalized and dating a man within an institution, not from off a public dating site.
On The Topic of Fetishes
Do I have fetishes? YES, I do(!) Will I mention them out in the open, in a public blog? Hell, no! But if you ask me privately what my desires are, then I shall reveal s-o-m-e of them, to you. One of the fetish groups which I am not now, nor will I EVER oblige to be a part of, is that of:
--and that also includes any other fetish which allows for the enjoyment of pain, and heartache.
A Woman Whom I Will NOT Date
I NEVER date anyone who is here in the United States, who has a Temporary Visa. IF… you desire more from me than a basic friendship, you will be a LEGAL CITIZEN of the United States. Otherwise you'll not date me romantically, and I am NOT kidding.
Lastly, please be honest, be yourself, and PLEASE don’t be f-a-k-e-. Thank you so very kindly for your time, and I look forward to your response.
**By you obliging to contacting me in ANY way, shape or form, you both FULLY UNDERSTAND, and have read all of my posted data within my posted Extensive Personals Dossier.**
'Eastern Andrew' (My primary internet name)
*I live alone, and I rent a clean and roomy efficiency within my city of Lancaster, PA, USA, 17602.
*I've no pets, kids
*I've no tatts, or body piercings
*I'm both drug and disease-free
*Non-smoker/non drinker
My apt. is very well kept, (most of the time) and I'm both clean, and very well organized, as well as very easy to get along with. I've been told by several of my old friends that I'm very easy to talk to. In fact, I offer a very smooth transition between serious conversation(s), a sharp sense of humor, emotional stability, an astute personality, as well as having a keen attention to detail.
As far as my living situation is concerned, I have no curfews to abide by, and are quite independent.
My Skills And Abilities
> My cooking skills are intermediate grade, which enables me to make a wide variety of homemade courses, from scratch. Case in point:
My homemade soups and sandwiches, are literally to die for(!)
> I am self-taught in the specialized area of Commercial Aircraft Aeronautical Design, and Drafting. The accuracy of my most technical theoretical aircraft designs are accurate to within 1/100th of an inch, and that’s all done free-hand. There aren’t too many people out in the world who are able to match such close tolerances, w/out the aid of an expensive AutoCAD program, or mechanized drafting equipment. I've therefore been blessed with a very unique gift, and I love to share my work with others.
> I’m self-taught in Mountain Bike Repair, & are very proficient in maintain & fixing most bicycles. I'm a long range mountain bike, and I plan upon making some very long trips for the following summer of 2016. I'm currently in the process of determining new routes, as of yet.
I generally traverse N. Queen St., on my tricked-out yellow mntn. bike with my tricked-out yellow bike trailer in tow, from between the town square and Slugger's Pizzeria, between the times of 6:PM & 10:PM, Mon.-Sat., sometimes on Sun. So, if you're a SINGLE woman and you wish to see me, you can take a close look at me during those days and times. I encourage you likewise to step up and introduce yourself to me, in that same capacity. For I am quite approachable, and friendly.
My Best-Suited, and Appropriate Female Match
Please be a SwF (Single white Female), between the ages of 25, and 50., avg.-slightly over-weight is OK, by me.
> Please be personally tidy, (meaning pick up that bar of soap, and rub it onto your body, like a big, mature, and socially-responsible girl!) and please also be polite, as I assure you I am as well.
> Please be both kindhearted, easy to talk to, and affectionate.
> I prefer that you live no further than 100 miles from my zip code, of: 17602 (Lancaster, PA, USA)
On The Issue Of Mutual Affectionate Behavior
I am not compatible, w/an unaffectionate woman. If you are unable/unwilling to stomach handling a man who’s just as affectionate as he is polite, then please go away. For, I am not geared to a so-called: "strictly platonic relationship", nor do I seek merely a strictly "just buddies" arrangement! I already have my buddies--and they are my MALE FRIENDS. I am actively seeking A GIRLFRIEND, meaning a mature woman, with the mindset of one, who's able to stomach handling a real man, who has real feelings! I am NOT interested in women who are so badly emotionally broken, that they are too confused and fickle to know what they want, with regard to a boyfriend! So... You're gonna know what you want, you're gonna have your head screwed on good and tight, and you're gonna be both woman and adult enough, to be a big responsible girl, and HANDLE YOUR MAN. Therefore, understand that in this life, I am a real man w/real feelings, and just as you so desire for your feelings to be equally respected and catered to. Putting it another way:
My feelings are just as meaningful and important to me, as your feelings and desires are, to you. And those feelings will be respected and catered to, or we shall have nothing to to do with one another. Point made, case closed.
Sexually Charged Texts And Live, Phone-based 'Pillow-talk'
I enjoy engaging in highly charged, passionate feelings both through texts, and especially through phone conversations. Although I never automatically engage in sexually-charged texts and phone conversations unless my partner is comfortable with that, I greatly look forward to a mutual exchange of such feelings and emotions with a prospective new partner, and I respectfully ask that you please be open to that type of dialogue, with me. It is within my nature to be very affectionate and passionate on the phone, and I greatly appreciate your understanding my position on that.
Your Personal Living Arrangement/Situation
I greatly respect whatever your personal living situation is! The only major thing which I ask of you, is that you do not allow mammy and daddy/your aid worker (if you have any) to decide your personal decisions for you, concerning your man. (me in this case) Been there, done that, and I am DONE with feeble-minded showboat women who're too weak-minded to handle their own personal business. I therefore ask that you please be woman enough–and adult enough to handle your own relationship. Indeed, there is no need to involve a third party to try to 'convince' me, of your personal wishes. I'm extremely approachable and easy to both reason with, as well as to negotiate with.
I prefer a woman who knows how to cook, or who's at least willing to learn how to. I'm a very good teacher, and have the patience enough to teach you such skills.
I prefer dating a woman who has a good head on her shoulders. What does that mean? It means:
Know something. Meaning... know a skill... a few skills. You must at least be a H.S graduate or have earned a G.E.D., as I have earned mine. I fear dating a woman whom the world shall block out, because she refuses to educate herself, in the ways of the world, and a basic education is extremely important, for a variety of reasons, and I want you to do the right thing, by at least working hard to earn your GED. I earned my GED, and believe me… If I was able to do it, then YOU are able to do it. EARN YOUR DIPLOMA.
My Views On Hyperreligious Women
I completely appreciate and respect your spiritual path, and I clearly do not mind how well-rooted you are on whatever path you’re on. To that end, and where it ties in to a new relationship:
I am not seeking, nor am I interested in a woman who uses her religious beliefs to snub and reject my feelings, as a man. I've both ‘been there’, and I have ‘done that’, and I am done WITH that. For, my feelings are just as meaningful to me, as yours are to you.
Communication Skills
Good communication is key to any successful relationship. That having been said, I am only seeking a woman who understands the wisdom of that whole concept. Treat me the way in which you want me to treat you. Relationships are clearly a 2-way street. Indeed, the world rotates not around neither man, nor woman. It rotates around both. Please understand the wisdom of that.
Transportation Matters
I prefer that you drive. PLEASE DRIVE SOMETHING. Drive… A bike… A motor scooter… A bus… A truck… A plane… A tricycle... A Segway... A Pogo Stick... Just drive something; at least know how to use public transportation. Believe me when I tell you here today, that I am morbidly sick to death of dating transportationally-hobbled women, who are too stunted and foolish to drive. Not good enough! DRIVE.
On The Issue Of Disease
IF… you are bed-ridden and so badly hobbled and broken to where you are living in an inaccessible place where you and I are prohibited from visiting one another, then I am very sorry for your hard luck, and I feel for ya, but please honey… leave me alone. If yer that stricken and hobbled with disease at the outset, then you need to be institutionalized and dating a man within an institution, not from off a public dating site.
On The Topic of Fetishes
Do I have fetishes? YES, I do(!) Will I mention them out in the open, in a public blog? Hell, no! But if you ask me privately what my desires are, then I shall reveal s-o-m-e of them, to you. One of the fetish groups which I am not now, nor will I EVER oblige to be a part of, is that of:
--and that also includes any other fetish which allows for the enjoyment of pain, and heartache.
A Woman Whom I Will NOT Date
I NEVER date anyone who is here in the United States, who has a Temporary Visa. IF… you desire more from me than a basic friendship, you will be a LEGAL CITIZEN of the United States. Otherwise you'll not date me romantically, and I am NOT kidding.
Lastly, please be honest, be yourself, and PLEASE don’t be f-a-k-e-. Thank you so very kindly for your time, and I look forward to your response.
**By you obliging to contacting me in ANY way, shape or form, you both FULLY UNDERSTAND, and have read all of my posted data within my posted Extensive Personals Dossier.**
'Eastern Andrew' (My primary internet name)
what EasternFlt79 would like to do on a first date:
Whatever you and I are mutually comfortable with.
EasternFlt79's profession:
Temp agency
EasternFlt79's interests:
Commercial Aircraft Design and drafting, Mountain bike repr..
physical: | |
ethnicity: | white |
height: | 5' 9" (175 cm) |
would you date someone under 4'10" tall? | yes |
body type: | a few extra pounds |
hair color: | bald |
eyes color: | brown |
social: | |
do you still live with your parents? | no, I live in my own appartment |
do you own a car? | no |
marital status: | single |
do you have children? | no |
would you date someone who has children? | yes |
do you want children? | undecided |
your religion: | other |
do you like metal (the musical genre)? | nah, not really |
health: | |
are you vegan? | no |
do you drink alcohol? | rarely and in small quantity |
do you smoke cigarette? | no |
do you smoke pot? | no |
do you take other drugs? | no |